Inspired by different music styles through gypsy travels, they started making music in a room that had a ‘Yellow Couch’. With nothing more than a laptop and microphone the ideas started flowing as soon as they would sit on the couch. This made them experiment with music styles while cooking Japanese and Caribbean dishes.
The more they experimented the more they got outside of the box and song topics started becoming more serious. During periods of global gypsy travels, they would always end up on that same couch to make more music and new ideas would rise. Since they both lived in different parts of the world one would think the best way to communicate was cyberspace.
The Couch Brothers never thought about doing music over the net for it was the ‘Yellow Couch’ that inspired them. So back on the Couch they found themselves completing an album, full of thought provoking life experiences.
While traveling, they met other talented gypsies roaming the globe that wanted to chip in and contribute to the instinctive travels of the Couch Brothers. This resulted in their masterpiece ‘Electric Gypsy’.